Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Ep. 7 - Mindset | Real Estate Broker & Amateur Bodybuilder, Paden Anderson
Our guest today is… Real Estate Broker for MTN Buff and amateur bodybuilder, Paden Anderson
After bragging about crushing my morning yesterday, this morning’s routine was rough. Not a great morning in the Long house.
First, I slept in until after 6. Not ideal, because this shifts my whole morning routine to later.
Second, the 10-year-old woke up and chose resistance! He didn’t want to do anything that was asked of him which is unusual. He’s normally really good at getting ready for school. Not today.
So, this put us parents in a parenting situation, and I’m already late to start my morning routine, and now I’m stalling even more, just to make sure crazy lil’ man gets his shit together. It didn’t go well.
Once the kids were all off to school, I should have started my morning routine, and got things done, but I jumped on social media, and that took me out, for about an hour. I mean I did “work.” I uploaded a SHORT to 5 different platforms.
It’s a delay tactic.
Finally, I worked out, got ready, read 30 minutes, and started work (show prep, editing, etc.), but I wasted a lot of the day this morning.
So, I tell you this because, living an Ascent Life means living up to the best version of ourselves, and I’m learning how to do that on a consistent basis.
We’re going to have rough mornings, rough days, rough years, but two things:
1 - You can always start over
2 - Do what you can to keep the daily promises to yourself.
I got my workout in. It wasn’t the best workout, but it got done. I got my reading in. I wasn’t as focused on it because it was later in the morning, and my head was busy.
In my reading this morning of The Greatest Mindset by Lewis Howes, he talked about his system he uses to be productive in life. He calls it his GPS or Greatness Performance System. Great name.
He breaks his goals and attention into 3 areas: Business (income, influence, impact); Relationships (personal, professional, community); and Wellness (physical, mindset, emotional health)
A little corny. But, at least it’s a guide or a structure to start from. Then he asks himself 3 questions pertaining to each area:
1. What do I want?
2. Why do I want it?
3. What’s the next step?
He goes into detail obviously in the book, so if this all interests you, I suggest you pick up the book, but I found his GPS structure for living a productive life interesting, and something you all may benefit from.
Welcome to the show, I’m your host, R. Brandon Long and this is Ascent Life LIVE! We’re here with the mission to inspire 1 million people a day to live their best lives, and be the best version of themselves. That is living an Ascent Life!
Today’s Wisdom From the Pages
Atomic Habits by James Clear: On showing up…
“If you show up at the gym five days in a row—even if it’s just for two minutes—you are casting votes for your new identity. You’re not worried about getting in shape. You’re focused on becoming the type of person who doesn’t miss workouts. You’re taking the smallest action that confirms the type of person you want to be.”
“It’s better to do less than you hoped than to do nothing at all.”